Sunday, March 13, 2011

Top 10 Electric Cars which are beautiful and luxury

top ten electric cars
Electric Cars
Global temperature increase, surroundings contamination and soaring price of gasoline are the threats the present world is confronting these days. Simultaneously inquisitive human nature is striving for other resources to run the vehicles. Electric cars are dear at present. For easiness and speed they lag behind the gasoline-fueled ones, but they will compete in market extensively in next ten years.
Big companies are spending their finances and technology to manufacture useful and long lasting electric cars. Some are on testing position and others are yet being processed for starting in a year or two. News in Press and disputed discussions are enhancing the enthusiasm of buyers. From exuberantly furnished sports car to a Splendid Golf cart, we are listing top 10 on the base of fashion, practical use and originality.
Top 10 Electric Cars
Tesla Roadster
If you are having sufficient money and you are an
ardent car buyer then make haste for this “Green Device” as its manufacture is restricted. This splendid car having two seats with 6’831 laptop batteries costs about $100’000. The pending list for next year is already filled. This fast road runner can go fast from 0-60 km/h in just 3.9 seconds, surprising with pulling a weight of 2’700 pound of vehicle itself in addition to passengers. The only problem now is its one gear propagation, thus reducing speed to 5.9 seconds. But Tesla Motors are making a research to design technology to overpower present defects.
Toyota Plug-in Hybrid
In fact Toyota Motors is present on the roads to build up a superior design of their own famous “Prius”. The name of the newly coming New Electric car is not yet proclaimed by manufacturers so they call it as Plug-in mixed expression. They have a vivid outline of the advanced car called Toyota Hybrid-X and their company plans proposes its finalization by 2010.
Particular workings are made on Lithium-Ion batteries which are used extensively in laptop computers. On-board gasoline engine is also setup similarly. But prospects from this electric car are so elevated to beat the record of plug-in Prius’s i-e 62 miles on batteries. So, my friends tighten your seat belts to receive this car.
Plug-in Toyota Prius can run 10 miles on batteries alone. The cost is not properly declared but anticipated around $28’000 to 30’000.
top ten electric cars
Chevy Volt
Chevy volt is luckily earning good fame in auto market and people from all around the world, US purchasers are anxious specially to see it running on roads. This 4 seated Sedan of General Motors is a wonderful work of engineering and technology. This invention will cost around $30’000 each which is very realistic. This design is made to run 40 miles totally on batteries.
At a later time, 1 liter gasoline will spontaneously be used to recharge the batteries. In these days, General Motors is working mainly on different materials for replacement old-type nickle-metal-hydride batteries. Their current favorite is T-shaped batteries stuck with Manganese oxide. From interiors it contains an iPad technology with soft screen display movements, control of the charging includes your joyful requirements more than anything else.
top ten electric cars
Fisker Karma
If you are wealthy and actually love your world, this beautiful car like a toy is only made for you. This electric car is amazing in shape, style and functions. This splendid road racer is the production of Henrik Fisker. It is anticipated to be seen in second half of 2010, with price about $80-87000 and expected to run 125 mph with 50 miles on battery power only. It is attractive in outward shape and elegant to drive, and it might be an ideal sports car for many persons.
top ten electric cars
Aptera Type-1
First investment of $500 deposit for those living in Southern California only are honored to be the Owner of this air jet like car. Your name will be registered in the waiting list. A Novel plans different having mini diesel engine with power batteries. Furtherore, this electric car can cover a distance of 600 miles. The very first design is likely to move on the roads this year with a 120 mile range. The drive in Aptera Typ-1 electric car will certainly make you feel as if in the space age.
top ten electric cars
Venture Electric Car
One can directly say that this electric car on first look will make you laugh and how it feels during drive is a surprise or an experience of fun. A wind engine is attached to catch any possible wind, which adds a 30-mile range hopefully to its 30mph. this plug-in car is loaded extra with a sun sheet at top holding energy systems. 200 cars will be manufactured in the beginning for a limited run. Real manufacturing will be initiated in the year to follow as per Company’s statement.
It seems as a Golf Cart with accessories and there is likelihood of contradictions on its design by local people. An electric car should look innovative and fast in all features. It could cost about $31’000.
top ten electric cars
City Zenn
Its inventors say that this electric car as “durable, light, more powerful and friendly with environment”. In contrast with other battery operated vehicles. Only a 5 minute recharge time is enough for its heavy batteries to make it run on 250 miles – that is astounding.
Zenn is made by makers living in Toronto. Previously in 2007, they effectively made cars with speed normally called as “neighborhood electric cars”. Now the company is preparing to manufacture much faster green cars motorized by “ULTRACAPACITOR” made by EEStor. As the inventers claim to make a vehicle with No Noise and No Ejections, covering contamination of environment along with Sound pollution. Being as friendly as nature, it is good, but this car would be a bit unsafe for blinds. The makers boast of their all-electrical energy storage unit of this fashionable car.
top ten electric cars
Think OX
This electric car can normally travel at 62mph obviously 100 miles on charge or more. Th!nk Ox is first 5 seater electric car designed by a Norway based company which was previously a part of Ford Motors. So, anticipations are very high for this electric car. The exact prices and start date is not definite till now. But the good news is that General Electronics has spent enormously in Lithium-Ion battery producers A123 Systems. They will provide the batteries of this car.
top ten electric cars
 Nissan Electric Car
Nissan has changed their complete attention on making electric cars. There are not many particulars about this car other than its looks and price which is $22000 – 25000 and it is hoped to run 100 miles on one charge. The company is intending to start this electric car in US market first in 2010. The launching month is not yet established.
top ten electric cars
 BMW’s Mini Electric Car
Green Vehicle or Electric car excitement is spreading everywhere. Now our preferred BMW is in the contest as well with its 2009 Mini E Limited is on testing stand. General Production is still under procedure. Though it is a small pretty famous car but its cost and technical particulars are still surreptitious. BMW Group will certainly approach with an outstanding design and exciting engineering, so be patient for updated information on their E Series.
top ten electric cars

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