Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tesla And Panasonic Cars Combinitions

The Model X project of those from Tesla Motors will receive an investment worth 30 million dollars from Panasonic.
Tesla officials announced that they will introduce an electric SUV in the range: Model X. Although is not the first electric SUV put on sales in the world – the guys from Toyota have the premiere with Toyota RAV4 EV, the model will be the first to be produced in series and sold without any contractual obligations or other restrictions. The guys from Panasonic have decided to invest 30 million dollars to achieve the Model X Project. The investment will focus on the development of electric batteries for that model and for the future Tesla Motors creations.
The guys from Tesla Motors have already a partnership with Toyota, so they will receive the help from both parties to achieve an electric SUV. Some time ago, Tesla Motors have a partnership with Daimler, which gave them special technology in exchange of used propulsion trains used by electric versions of Smart Fortwo . Now, DaimlerCorporation has partnered with Renault-Nissan concern, with which it could develop electric vehicles in the future. For now, the concern is limited to mini-class models and to engines for bigger models.
Toyota will present the concept of an electric RAV4 at Los Angeles Auto Show. The concept that will be presented on November 17 is not related so closely with Tesla technology and not represent the X Model from Tesla. In other news, the Panasonic’s investment would help the people from Tesla to solve the financial problems, following rumors that seemed aimed the S model and the mode that Elon Musk has spent the respectively money.

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